This branch was created fromtheversion merged intothe wireless-drivers-next repo, which is inthe5.16 kernel. IF YOU USE DRIVERS FROM THIS REPO FOR KERNELS 5.16+, TOU MUST BLACKLIST THE KERNEL VERSIONS!!!! FAILING TO DO THIS WILL RESULT IN ALL MANNER OF STRANGE ERRORS.
This code will build onanykernel5.7andneweraslongasthedistrohasnotmodifiedanyofthekernelAPIs. IFYOURUNUBUNTU, YOUCANBEASSUREDTHATTHEAPIsHAVECHANGED. NO, IWILLNOTMODIFYTHESOURCEFORYOU. YOUAREONYOUROWN!!!!!
I am working onfixingbuildsonolderkernels.
This repository includes drivers forthe following card:
Realtek 8852AE, 8852BE, and8853CE
If you are looking fora driver for chips such as RTL8188EE, RTL8192CE, RTL8192CU, RTL8192DE, RTL8192EE, RTL8192SE, RTL8723AE, RTL8723BE, or RTL8821AE, these should be provided by your kernel. If not, then you should go tothe Backports Project ( to obtain the necessary code.
functiongetDepends() { echo"fileName is"$1>>$logfile # use tr to del < > ret=`apt-cache depends $1|grep Depends |cut -d: -f2 |tr -d "<>"` echo$ret|tee -a $logfile }
# 需要获取其所依赖包的包 libs="build-essential"
# download libs dependen. deep in 5 # downloaded files will be saved in /var/cache/apt/archives i=0 while [ $i -lt 5 ] ; do let i++ echo$i # download libs newlist=" " for j in$libs do added="$(getDepends $j)" newlist="$newlist$added" apt-get install $added --reinstall -d -y done libs=$newlist done